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Мужчина, 43 года, родился 25 сентября 1981

Активно ищет работу

Москва, готов к переезду (Бразилия, Вьетнам, Грузия, Египет, Камбоджа, Китай, Республика Зимбабве, Республика Кения, Турция, ЮАР), готов к командировкам

Procurement Manager / Project Management / Project Coordinator / Start ups

  • Главный инженер проекта
  • Менеджер по закупкам
  • Менеджер по логистике, менеджер по ВЭД
  • Менеджер/руководитель АХО
  • Специалист по тендерам

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 20 лет

Апрель 2024Январь 2025
10 месяцев
SSPI Process Industry
Technical Office Chief
- Daily tech. office duties. - Reporting and time sheets. - Contracting. - Client negotiations. - Administrative personal support (registrations, patents, propusk). - Payments follow up. - Works submissions. (Closing the project - AGPZ, Amur region).
Ноябрь 2023Март 2024
5 месяцев
Contract and Tender Lead
Tendering and Bidding. Contract negotiations. Best cost terms quality conditions negotiations. Interterms 2020. Cost cutting and Budget saving. (Luxury residence construction at Sochi region). RELOCATION TO LIVE IN SAINT-PETERSBURG.
Ноябрь 2022Октябрь 2023
1 год
JSC MosMek Estate (Distantly working in Saint-Petersburg)
Tender/Procurement manager
- Tendering - Purchasing - Contracting Construction, Project / Desing tenders, Exploitation, Services, Equipment and Goods.
Январь 2022Сентябрь 2022
9 месяцев

Египет, www.fensma.ru

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Senior Procurement Manager
(Nuclear Power Plant construction _ RosAtom Egypt project) - Tender execution, procurement procedures; - Supplying the site in El-Dabaa with const. materials, equipment, services and subcontract works; - Contract revision, approval and concluding, 1С processing; - Execution of accounting cross checks, volumes and Goods acceptances; - Coordination of work with related departments; - LEFT THE PROJECT SINCE DIFFICULT WORLD AND PROJECT SITUATION.
Февраль 2021Декабрь 2021
11 месяцев
SSPI Process Industry
Project Coordinator (finished project)
- Project Management (up to 3 projects simultaneously); - Personnel Management ( up to 30 ITR specialists, up to 300 Workers); - Finance, Accounting, Estimating (local resource approach, Excel, grand smeta); - Planning and Budgeting (MO Project Professional); - Approval of invoices for payment, Procurement, Tenders Execution; - Delivery and acceptance of works, Commissioning, Works Acceptance; - Full control of project execution. (ENKA – Heat and Power Plant, TATNEFT – welding works, MK, CG Volga – welding works, MK, concrete works.)
Июнь 2020Февраль 2021
9 месяцев
LLC "BC Bernikov"


Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Procurement, Subcontracting and organization manager (project is on stand by)
- Supply of construction site with Materials, Goods, Instruments and Services; - Purchasing of construction materials and equipment, Site organization and Contractors follow up; - Conclusion and following the Contracts; - Full tracking and tracing of purchases/deliveries; - Execution of tenders for Const. Works and Purchases; - Construction manager assistance up to headhunting; - Reporting, acceptance of MTO, preparation of estimates and registers; - Multi-functional and advanced responsibilities set.
Июнь 2019Май 2020
1 год
PermTechSpec (Renaissance Heavy Industries)

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Engineer of PTD - Project management dept. administrator
Construction of Amur Gas Processing Plant, Sbobodniy town, Amurskaya distinct - Shift work. www.ptspec.ru www.renesans.com - work in the Technical Office of Project Management and Control Department; - technical calculations on steel structures, concrete, grouting, lean concrete, reinforcement, assembly units, bolts, etc.; - quantities determination and checkout of design drawings; - BoQ, CoQ and specification preparation, cost of works calculations, Subcontractors negotiations; - preparing documentation and flowcharts on additional works for the Customer; - development of the procedure, accompanying documentation for EWR (extra works requests); - translation of technical documentation, constructive and project documentation, and contract correspondence; - helping with communication within the department. (international team), solving of admin. issues; - preparation of timesheets of labor costs, local estimates, development of templates of timesheets, calculations of volumes, quantities, and cost of works; - interaction with related departments of the company - estimate, design, surveying, planning department, accounting, and administration; - execution of TO Chief orders on all phases, packages, and titles of the project.
Сентябрь 2015Декабрь 2018
3 года 4 месяца
Batumi Real Development LTD


Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Founder (pluralistically Forex and Crypto trading)
https://kwill2015.wixsite.com/batumirealdev - Project start-up; - Internet site development / SEO ; - All related negotiations; - Creation and registration of the company; - Development of Business; - Lease, Sale, Purchases deals of all kinds of Real Estate; - Tourism activity in Ajara – Touring, Hosting, Excursions, etc.; - Project is closed since not relocating to Georgia. - Parallel to this was doing Exchange Trading (cryptocurrencies) and farming.
Декабрь 2014Сентябрь 2015
10 месяцев
CJSC Renna-Holding

Розничная торговля... Показать еще

Project Manager
www.renna.ru www.korovka.com Project Start-Up - Gelato ice-cream network creation. - Full responsibility for the development and following the Project; - Business plan creation with Financial department; - Project Concept and marketing determinations; - Preparation of presentations and other illustrative material; - Department management and Hiring employee; - Market investigations, tendencies, Shopping Malls negotiations; - Opening of new gelato cafes; - Network expansion, entering the new region from zero stage; - Tenders, Procurement of all related equipment, materials, services; - Contracting; - Development of inventory management system, Control, Organization of all interested and involved departments negotiations.
Март 2010Август 2015
5 лет 6 месяцев
33 Pingvina, Ulan-Ude


Гостиницы, рестораны, общепит, кейтеринг... Показать еще

Partner (Master Franchise Contract)
www.33pingvina.ru - Project Start-Up; - Franchise and Supply Contracts conclusion; - Team set up and training; - Expansion of trading points, market research and negotiations; - Fit out, procurement, logistics; - Accounting, budgeting, planning; - Total success in project outcome, investment capital return within 3 months; - Company organization and standardization.
Август 2008Февраль 2010
1 год 7 месяцев
Carrefour RUS LLC, Moscow

Промышленное оборудование, техника, станки и комплектующие... Показать еще

Assets Procurement manager
www.carrefour.com Simultaneous implementation of 3 projects (stores in Moscow, Krasnodar, Lipetsk). Timely opening. Budget savings (1 store - 5 mil.$). - Management and Coordination of the Department - 8 people of direct subordinate. In stores Indirect subordinate - 3 people.; - Suppliers, Contractors, Authorities negotiations; - Purchasing of all instore Equipment, Materials, Services; - Contract execution including coordination, revisions, approvals; - Full responsibility for materials incl. technical issues, deliveries, installations, accounting documents; - Budget preparation, follow up and revision of budget; - Developing of procurement standards, policies, internal procedures, automation; - HO purchases support; - Scheduling. - Full responsibility for store opening purchases and installation in time; - Tender policy development; - Budget control.
Декабрь 2006Август 2008
1 год 9 месяцев

Россия, www.castorama.ru

Розничная торговля... Показать еще

Equipment installation site manager
www.castorama.ru www.kingfisher.com Completed and commissioned stores: Marktkauf Hypermarket in Kotelniki town, Moscow distinct - Reconstruction, Refitting works; CASTORAMA Rostov store; CASTORAMA Omsk store. - Control of technological equipment installation, racking, loading machinery, etc; - Full responsibility for onsite works (contractors follow up and control); - Construction and finishing materials purchasing, logistics; - Contracts execution (finishing materials purchasing, services) and tracing the orders; - Following the construction and fit-out works, reporting; - Tenders execution, estimates and schedule of works preparation, working with budgets.
Апрель 2004Июль 2006
2 года 4 месяца
ENKA Insaat ve Sanayi A.S.

Промышленное оборудование, техника, станки и комплектующие... Показать еще

Deputy General Director Assistant - Procurement specialist
www.enka.com (REAL,- Hypermarkets projects (2 completed and 5 in progress), Multifunctional Underground Center on the square of Paveletskiy station, Transport interchange, many-storied underground parking with trade center on the square of Tverskaya zastava ) - Administrative problems solving, negotiations with Authorities concerning project approvals; - Procurement, construction and finishing materials purchasing, logistics; - Negotiations with Customers, Technical Customers, General Designers, Subcontractors - Contracts making and tracing the orders; - Analysis and marketing of brand markets, strategy development; - Tenders execution, estimate and schedule of works preparation, working with budgets; - Working with design organizations (including engineering and exterior utilities), technical documentation as GUP "Mosengproyekt", NIIOSP of Gersivanogo, Arch. Buro of Tkachenko, TTA and so on (all parts of Project and Working Documentation), FGUP "Fundamentproyekt", Fugro-Jacques (on geological testing, drilling).


Уровни владения навыками
MS Office NT
Start-up project
Договорная работа
Запуск нового бренда
Контроль качества
Логистический менеджмент
Монтаж оборудования
Обучение персонала
Оптимизация закупок
Продвижение бренда
Производство строительно-монтажных работ
Стратегия Развития
Строительно-отделочные материалы
Строительно-отделочные работы
Управление затратами
Управление проектами
Управление цепочкой поставок
Биржевые торги
MS PowerPoint
Strategic Planning
Supply Chain Management
Project management
Управление персоналом
Оценка инвестиционных проектов

Опыт вождения

Имеется собственный автомобиль

Права категории B

Обо мне

I graduated from college with a Gold medal. Then I completed my BSc in Mathematics at METU (ODTU, Turkey). After I started my MSc in Financial Math but did not complete it. However, I followed such courses as Accounting and acquainted with international standards of Statement of Income, Cash flow, etc. In 2004 ENKA recruited me in Moscow Head Office. I was the assistant of the Group Director and procurement & logistics team specialist. Overall turnover of our team was more than 500 mln $ contracts. I got there a lot of experience in Construction. In 2006-2008 I worked in CASTORAMA RUS (KINGFISHER GROUP - ENGLAND) as Site Manager of Equipment installation Fit Out works. 5 days a week I had business trips throughout Russian large cities, where we were opening the stores. I was totally responsible for the coordination of the works on-site (in-store) and deadlines of fitting in time. Completed 4 stores. In 2008-2010 I worked in CARREFOUR RUS (France) as Procurement Manager (Store Equipment and Assets procurement) and completed 3 stores. We had our own developed accounting system. My team created a catalog of about 1500 articles of equipment, parts, IT and security systems, materials, etc. My responsibilities were of total control of department work including procedures establishment. In 2010-2018 (after Carrefour left the Russian market) I did my own business in retail, I signed a contract for a Master Franchise with "33 Penguins", Tomsk (Islands of premium ice cream, mini cafes) for Ulan-Ude. The project was very successful and I covered all the investments in 3 months of operation. Within these years I tried several projects of my own and did Exchange Trading with cryptocurrencies including farming. Successfully implemented the role of Project Manager for the development of a Federal network of *Korovra iz Korenovki* - premium ice cream. I launched the project, along with the development of the concept, the design of the trading point, the development of the Business Plan, and the organization of all start-up processes. Since 2019, I have returned to construction projects. Participated in the construction of the Amur gas processing plant in the Amur region and the B+ class Business Center in Moscow. In 2022 I was in Cairo (Egypt) doing the construction of the Nuclear Power Plant – 4 units of 1200 gWt each – Total 6000 gWt. I am fluent in Russian, English, and Turkish (C1 levels). I have advanced training certificates - Project Management (PMP) and TESOL 120h - eng. language. Throughout my career, I gained experience and skills in various fields of economic markets, established myself as an executive and hardworking Manager with an active position. I can be a demanding leader and a responsible executive who is always ready to lend a shoulder to his colleagues.

Высшее образование (Бакалавр)

Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey
Financial mathematics, MSc not completed
Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey
Technical mathematics, BSc

Знание языков


АнглийскийC1 — Продвинутый

ТурецкийC1 — Продвинутый

Повышение квалификации, курсы

Project Management Institute
PMI, Pennsylvania, PMP, 636716
UNI-PREP Institute Canada
English School, TESOL 120h
Faculty of Property Economics, Management of Development projects - Certificate of professional development dated 14.11.2019.

Тесты, экзамены

TOEFL, 280/300

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Россия

Разрешение на работу: Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения