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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online less than a week ago
Male, 30 years, born on 1 November 1994
Actively searching for a job
Brazil, not willing to relocate, not prepared for business trips
International business (English-Spanish-Portuguese-Russian)
- Sales manager, account manager
Employment: part time, project work
Work schedule: shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 8 years 3 months
August 2017 — currently
7 years 8 months
March 2015 — September 2015
7 months
Startup Almoça
Brazil, almoca.com/
Marketing consultant
I was responsabilite to get a new clients for our app, show how to work and why was a good opition for restaurants in Brazil.
Skill proficiency levels
Higher education (bachelor)
Faculty of Sociology and Humanities
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Brazil
Permission to work: Brazil
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter