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Was online more than two weeks ago
The full name has been hidden by the job seeker

Male, 38 years, born on 29 October 1986

Considers offers

Kaliningrad, I want to relocate (Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, USA, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland), prepared for business trips

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The approximate area of the job search is specified

Data-engineer, data-ops: Python, ETL, Airflow

  • Programmer, developer

Employment: full time, part time, project work, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 15 years 9 months

January 2022currently
3 years 3 months

Moscow, www.rshb.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

Lead Developer
Airflow, ETL, data-pipelines, data-migration process
April 2021October 2021
7 months


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Back-end Engineer
IoT, Kafka, Drilling rig automation. Python3 Batch, Streaming Apache Kafka, Apache Spark ODBC, JDBC UDP, TCP math, ELT-ETL
May 2020January 2021
9 months
BI Team


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

ETL-ELT SQL, Python, PowerBI OLTP-OLAP Basically working with different databases and APi's. In Python doing work with data preparing, mapping, developing lookup and create some algorithms for data marts. Working by the full cycle: from codind and processing someone else's code, to search and install some stuff neccesary to task and testing also and hardware optimisation. The models successfully process over 100 million row, connect to different SQL bases etc (++1C infrastructure).
December 2019July 2020
8 months
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Kaliningrad, eng.kantiana.ru

Senior Data Analyst, developer
Working with data in Python3, Pandas, Matplotlob, Numpy etc. Providing ad-hoc reports for top-management of university. Performance analysis and product development for increased productivity. Python3, Math. Ranking. SQL, OLAP, ETL, back-end PowerBI, Excel etc. Develop of of 2 top management assessment systems in Python3 for internal and external evaluation.
June 2015August 2019
4 years 3 months


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Web developer, marketing-analyst, sales-analyst
MVC, MVP, support, marketing, analytics, payment systems, integration, sales, organisation, operations, CRM, ERP, CMS, 1C etc. Moving from Marketing Analysis to Data Science (from 2016) and Data Engineering (since 2019).
March 2012June 2015
3 years 4 months
Broker Company

Saint Petersburg, libertex.org

Financial Sector... Show more

Head of Division, business-analyst, bi-dev
Management of 7 branches in Russia (inc. Kazan, Samara, Saint-Peters.) Location - Saint-Petersburg. Analytics: customers, sales, marketing. Business processes management, operations. Recruitment, branch development, staff training. Business trips to units. Sales-analytics (OLAP, Excel, 1C). Reports. Customer support. Budget. Stocks and trading analysis.
December 2008November 2012
4 years
Web Studio


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Projects manager
Presentation, test, management, business-logic, BI WP, Joomla, 1C, payment systems, internet ads, web-analytics.


Skill proficiency levels
Basic level
Level not specified
Web Application Development
Google Analytics
Project management
Business Analysis
Marketing Analysis
Data Analysis
Mathematical Statistics
Product Marketing
Analytical skills
Software Development
Customer Relationship Management
Presentation skills
Design Patterns

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Hard skills 1. Significant expirience with analytics, statistics and algorithms; 2. Python3, SQL, (Jupyter, NumPy, Pandas, requests, etc); 3. Flask, http, REST, soap, xml; 4. Airflow, Kafka; 5. Well known in computer science, MPP, Hadoop; 6. Significant expirience with analytics, e-commerce, sales, management; 7. Linux 8. AWS: S3, Lambda, EC2 ..., Azure, GCP About me: I have a good understanding of methodologies, design patterns, data structures, algorithms and also i'm using scientific approach in my data-researches. My specialization is integration of anything, and customize anything with some Python and pipelines. Good management skills. Communication skills. Fantastic problem solving skills. Qualities: responsibility, systematicity, flexibility, analytical mindset, strong abstract thinking. English - B1



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter