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Female, 36 years, born on 14 April 1988

Considers offers

Brazil, not willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

Sales manager

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, remote working

Work experience 14 years 3 months

January 2022June 2023
1 year 6 months
Exclusive Impex Inc (USA)
HR/Business assistant/ Personal assistant
Recruitment for the company Assisted with paperwork and created policies, induction program Translation of documents from English into Russian Analyzed large amounts of data Calls to dealerships Answered emails and calls Search for all information (including legal information) Organized meetings for the manager and other employees Created and managed the manager's schedule Engaged in the research of new business ideas and market monitoring Fulfillment of all personal instructions of the head
March 2018October 2020
2 years 8 months
PT Endless Summer
Sales / Marketing Manager
Selling the product (surf lessons and accommodation in surf camps) Managing bookings , confirming bookings, checking availability, enquiries and any ad-hoc challenges at the camp Arranging transfers for the clients Coordinating, monitoring, and creating everyday schedules, including surf school and non-surf activities Maintaining and continuing to strengthen our bond with the local community, local partners, and guests from around the world Monitoring and reporting financial results to the Operations team Entering data about the payments into the system Overseeing the running maintenance at the camp throughout the season Dealing with daily emails, calls, messages from Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and Whatsapp and assisting clients directly at the office
November 2017February 2018
4 months
Rama Holidays
Sales representative
Selling and marketing membership of the holiday club to potential customers Provided presentations and worked with guests on demonstration tours and weekend events at the property. Showed all the properties and explained the system of the product Assisted the buyer with credit applications, and prepared him to close on his purchase.
May 2017September 2017
5 months
Sales manager
Personalized and focused consulting via email, phone, WhatsApp, Skype, etc. Planning, budgeting, and providing options for all necessary wedding arrangements. Booked of chosen wedding options, vendors, and venues. Clarified all questions and responsibilities with vendors. Created rundown (schedule) for the event.
September 2015December 2016
1 year 4 months
Customer support
Assisted more than 1100 timeshare members (both Russian and English speakers) Handled reservations, confirmed bookings, and checked availability of both internal and external resorts using the Maestro system Booked transfers and flight tickets for the members Worked with affiliation companies Offered special promotion deals to the members Assisted with requests (including working with complaints) Entered data about the payments into the system Dealt with daily emails, calls, Skype, and assisting members directly at the office
November 2011February 2015
3 years 4 months
SMP Bank
Developed the Bank's ATM network throughout Russia Analyzed the efficiency of the ATM network, terminals, and POS terminals Prepared monthly and weekly reports Created presentations for leaders of the BANK Carried out calculations and formulations to achieve a deeper inference level Coordinated and planned activities for the working group
March 2007October 2011
4 years 8 months
Carried out financial analysis of the organizations in the program AUDIT XP Prepared audit files Processed and included the database of the primary documents in the program 1-C


Skill proficiency levels
Client management
Customer Support
Dealing with problem clients
Financial Analysis
MS Office
MS Excel
MS PowerPoint
MS Outlook
1C: Бухгалтерия
Audit XP
Maestro System

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Responsible Positive Quickly trained Focused on results Organized Communicative Stress-resistant

Higher education

Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics
Finance and Credit



EnglishC1 — Advanced

PortugueseA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

Education and career
Autonomous non-profit organization of additional education, Accounting and taxation 1C: Accounting 8
State educational institution Education Center 1816
Moscow City Department of Education Western District Education Department, Social Worker in Education

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter