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Female, 36 years, born on 23 February 1989

Luxembourg, I want to relocate (Brazil, Moscow, USA), not prepared for business trips

Marketing manager

  • Marketing and advertising department manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 11 years 1 month

March 2014currently
11 years 1 month

Luxembourg, www.ferrero.com

Food Products... Show more

Product manager
Project manager of the team tasked with the development of innovative products under the umbrella of the Tic Tac and Ferrero brands. Providing unique solutions designed to meet customers’ expectations, in keeping with the corporate ethos of pursuing a “no follower” logic. − Delivering best-in-class solutions for consumers’ satisfaction; − Devising and implementing 4P’s (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) strategies; − Coordinating project workflows across different departments (Chairman’s Office/Global, Soremartec Laboratory, Packaging DPU, Manufacturing UPS) and suppliers (Communication and Advertising Consultant, Agency, Mock-up, Creative Designers)


Skill proficiency levels
International Marketing
Product Management
Trade Marketing
shopper marketing
consumer research
Corporate Communications
Data Analysis
Category Management
MS Project Expert
Product Promotion
Strategic Marketing
Project management
MS Outlook

About me

Marketing professional with all-round experience in the new product development division of a large food & beverage multinational with operations in over 54 countries and sales turnover above € 8.4 billion. Highly motivated and dynamic. Self-starter. Strong interpersonal skills and deft at getting along with people, be it colleagues and suppliers. Easy to adapt to new places and situations. Well-travelled, multilingual. Cosmopolitan and ecumenical outlook on life and the facts of life.

Higher education

Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Business Administration, International Management



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Luxembourg

Permission to work: Italy, Luxembourg

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter